4 Signs a Lady Really Likes You

Nothing is scarier for a man than a lady rejecting him. Trust you me, even us ladies fear rejection. That is why we will rarely approach a dude. If you like a girl and are scared of rejection, it is important to look out for these signs that show that the attraction is mutual.

1. Time factor

Does this special girl create time for you? Any woman who is attracted to a guy will create time to spend with the man. If every time you ask her out she gives excuses of a tight schedule, it is possible that she is not into you. On the other hand, if she always has time to see you and even suggests dates, dude that lady is all yours.

2. Jealousy

When a lady is attracted to you, one apparent thing is that she will not want to share you with anyone. The element of jealousy might make or break relationships. All the same, it is a key sign of a woman who is genuinely in love with a guy. So, do not get angry when you notice that a lady does not like seeing you with other ladies. Instead, seize the moment and make her yours.

3. Confides in you

As women, we have a tendency of trusting people who we like. Whenever we trust somebody, we feel the urge to tell them about personal stuff. If there is a lady in your life who keeps updating you on her life aspects, now you know she is attracted to you. If the feeling is mutual, get the girl!

4. Body language

They say that actions speak louder than words, and it cannot be said any better. If a lady wants to hold your hands, hug you every time you meet and maintains eye contact, she is definitely into you. If there is a girl you are wondering whether she likes you back, take time to observe her body language.

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